Proposal 2

Eng Agger · MA Digital Fine Art
Camberwell College London 2016-2018
Category: Proposal
Proposal 2

1. Working title
– A Surrealistic Journey –

By chance I found an old suitcase in the garbage room where I live. The suitcase is from the ’60s and has previously been owned by a famous Danish surrealist, Wilhelm Freddie, whose name and former address is written on the suitcase. Wilhelm Freddie lived from 1909 to 1995. It made me curious and I started reading about Surrealism and its mindset and I think I can use it as a framework by studying workprocess, history, and storytelling.

I am fascinated by coincidences and the use of the unconscious in the creative process. In my latest project, I took the role of a photographer with the task of taking snapshots of my dreams, in order to capture unconscious images.

Dreams are something we all have in common; we dream whatever time and place.

I want to translate the clear and strong voice of dreams into visual statements.

2. Aims and Objectives
My first aim is to find out more about dreams: Can I use other people’s dreams? How can I collect dreams? What inspiration will I find from artist who works with dreams? What can I learn from psychological dream theory?

Another aim is to learn more about collage as an art form in a broad understanding: Assemblage, bricolage, picture- and film montage etc.

My third aim is to get better understanding of video installations: The importance of sound, size, time, pause, multiple screens etc. What are the fundamental theories of storytelling in a spatial installation?

– Research Surrealism in general: Read literature, visit art collections and exhibitions, look at surrealistic art.
– Investigate the conscious and the unconscious.
– Explore different media for production (video installation, interaction, etc.)
– Research collage based art; film montage, assemblage, bricolage etc.

3.Context (including historical-, contemporary, and theoretical contexts):
What will be my context; where are my inspiration and inputs coming from? I am interested in dreams as a subject we can’t control and as a common human constant.

Dreams are an exciting world to engage in, because dreams can be regarded as a “painting” which is a result of a course of action free from outside control.

The old suitcase got me on the track of surrealism but I’m not sure how it will be a part of my final project. I’m inspired by surrealism in my study proposal and maybe it will be used directly in my final project.

Surrealism, video art/ installation, thoughts about the subconscious and dreams.

Lev Manovich, Christiane Paul

Behaviors: Tor Nørretranders, Bill Buxton

Read and write about my inspiration sources: Lis Rhodes, Tony Oursler, Klaus Obermaier, Sol Lewitt, David Lynch, Bjorn Melhus, William Kentridge, Bruce Nauman and Bill Viola

The language of video installations, Surrealism and digital art.

4. Methodology
The theory of Surrealism is my framework; it is a widespread ideology which embraces thoughts and objects that reach far into our history and cultural heritage. Until now the idea of the subconscious as a “tool” in the creation of art inspire me a lot. Also, the collage idea/strategy and the unconscious clash of elements are worth a further investigation.

To examine the subconscious I started visualise my dreams. I store my dream images in a image bank from which I can combine different dreams in a collage using my “surrealismgenerator” app. I am continuously feeding the image bank with more dreams.

I want to interview an anthropologist about her experience of making dream sessions with more people over several days.

I also want to interview a psychologist in order to get knowledge about dream therapy.

I want to transform my research about video installations into visual test examples.

I will explore and improve my skills in various techniques:
· Cinema 4D: Useful in a VR or Unity output.
· Audition and Audacity
I will use online software tutorials and ask professionals for advice in my work with sound and interaction.

5. Outcomes
The outcome will be a mixture of video installation, interaction, illustration and motion graphics.

6. Work Plan
Until low-residency I will explore and make practical tests with sound and video installation. At the same time I will study and research about dreams in art and in the field of psychology.

7. Bibliography
Manovich, Lev (2001) The language of new media. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Paul, Christiane, Digital Art Third edition. Thames & Hudson
Rush, Michael (2005) New Media in Art. Thames & Hudson
Statens Museum for Kunst (2009) Wilhelm Freddie, Stik gaflen i øjet.
Löfgren, Ovar: The Black Box of Everyday Life
Suhr, Christian and Willerslev, Rane: Transcultural Montage
